“By choosing the university to process our beef, we are providing more opportunities to students to learn and grow in their passion.”
– Jarrod Montford, Owner JM Beef

Buy whole, halves and quarters directly from
JM Beef.
About Us
My name is Jarrod, and I am the fourth-generation rancher on one side of the family and the fifth generation on the other side. I received a degree in animal science from Tarleton State University in 2004 and became a sales representative for Genex Beef in 2014. Shortly after, I went to the International Embryo Technology School.
My wife and I married in 2017, where she joined in on the family operation. We started breeding a pasture to plate program for the public in 2017 and had our first freezer beef processed in 2020 as it takes a minimum of 30 months from conception.
We have had a relationship with Tarleton State University’s Meats Lab since I graduated from Tarleton in 2004. As a student, I helped process beef and saw the value of the educational side of the meat lab. Ever since, TSU’s meats lab has processed our beef. I quickly learned that by choosing the university to process our beef, versus choosing a local processing plant, we are providing more opportunities to students to learn and grow in their passion.

5th Generation
Cattle Rancher
5th Generation
Cattle Rancher